Thursday, May 19, 2011

Creating your new and bold world: A story of full transformation!

To me, she has always been beautiful. Always put together - never with a hair out of place. She’s the kind of woman who is always invited – the one who always seems to light up a room. But recently her story evolved. She decided it was time for some changes. So…she signed up for an exercise class (still embracing her “big girls” are bold women sexy ;). At first she told family and friends. But soon, the patterns had become more apparent: regular postings on Facebook with new habits and outlooks to follow. She started to explore her relationships; she started to create opportunities (the epitome of a strong single mother). As I mentioned, she has always been beautiful, but now she’s becoming a swan. It’s clear that her whole life is shifting. She’s eating differently. She’s found new ways to replenish her spirit. She’s creating a whole new community – a circle who she has inspired and who in turn are inspiring her. Now it’s more than just taking off weight (though she’s lost over 70 pounds :-). It’s more than just exercise classes (now including boot camps and dance and performances :-). She has started a journey of peace. She is feeding and revealing her purpose. When I wake up I look out for her postings – the story of her ups and her downs – the status of her light and her darkness. Every day she creates an adventure. Every day she reveals her new power!

(Inspired by one of my best friends, Ms. Marnell Hughes - Keep it moving, girl! You continue to make us all proud!)

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